双翅目談話会(そうしもくだんわかい、The Dipterist's club of Japan)の情報を記載していきます(非公式ページです)。随時追加予定。
双翅目談話会公式ページ (Official Webpage of the Diipterist's club of Japan)
The Dipterist's club of Japan was established in 1996 for the study of Diptera and communication among its members, who are enthusiasts and researchers of Diptera.
Annual membership fee: 3,000 yen (1,500 yen for high school students and below).
Members will receive two issues per year of the group’s journal, “Hana-abu” (in Japanese). Members can also submit to the journal. The journal contains the latest information on Diptera in Japan including articles about distributional records, identifying specific taxonomic groups, and ecological information.
Members can also participate in events such as general meetings, identification meetings, and excursion. At the general and identification meetings, participants bring their own specimens and exchange information and identify species whose names are unknown. There are also mini-lectures and time for each person to talk, where research reports and topics of interest about flies are discussed.
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