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双翅目ニュース Diptera News






熊澤辰徳 (解説)・須黒達巳 (写真) 2024. ハエハンドブック. 文一総合出版, 東京. 176 pp. ISBN 978-4-8299-8175-7  







New book "The Handbook of Flies" will be published on May 31, 2024.


Tatsunori Kumazawa, Tatsumi Suguro. 2024. The Handbook of Flies. Bun-ichi Sogo Shuppan, Tokyo. 176 pp. ISBN 978-4-8299-8175-7

Price 2,860 yen (2,600 yen + 10% tax)


This is the first Japanese pictorial book of Diptera. It’s a pocket-sized guidebook that features about 95 families, 400 species of Diptera in Japan. White background ecological photos by Suguro Tatsumi. It also contains a wealth of columns about flies, information useful for identifying and making fly specimens. 

過去のニュース Archives of news

新種記載ノート New Species from Japan


2024.2.26 1種追加

ニセケバエ科 (Scatopsidae)

*Apiloscatopse japonica sp. nov.

記載論文: Yoshizawa, S. 2023. First record of the genus Apiloscatopse Cook (Diptera: Scatopsidae) from Japan, with description of a new species, Medical Entomology and Zoology, 74(3) 109-112

ヒメガガンボ科 (Limoniidae)

*Dactylolabis kyororo Kato, 2023 キョロロコケヒメガガンボ 

記載論文: Kato, Daichi. 2023. Taxonomic study of the genus Dactylolabis Osten Sacken, 1860 of Japan (Diptera: Limoniidae). Zootaxa 5375(2): 227-240.

タマバエ科 (Cecidomyiidae)

*Pseudasphondylia ishigakiensis Elsayed, 2023

記載論文:Elsayed, Ayman K., Shuichi Nemoto & Makoto Tokuda. 2023 Pseudasphondylia ishigakiensis, a new gall midge species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Japan developing in flower buds of Melicope triphylla (Rutaceae), with notes on its life history. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 26(2) 102107. 

*Parampelomyia yukawai Elsayed and Tokuda, 2023

記載論文: Elsayed, Ayman K., Tadao Ichita & Makoto Tokuda. 2023 Parampelomyia, another new gall midge genus (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) associated with Vitaceae, with description of a new species developing in flower buds of the porcelain berry in Japan. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 81: 165-177.

*Enigmadiplosis harrisi Elsayed, 2023

記載論文: Elsayed, Ayman K., Yasuko Kobayashi, R. J. Gagné & Makoto Tokuda. 2023. Molecular phylogeny unravels the tribal placement puzzle of Enigmadiplosis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), with description of a new pest species on cultivated Rhododendron (Ericaceae) in Japan. Invertebrate Systematics 37(11): 782-796.

*Celticecis insulicola Sato and Yukawa, 2023 

*Celticecis gracilicornis Sato and Yukawa, 2023

記載論文:Sato, Shinsuke & Junichi Yukawa. 2023. Descriptions of two new Celticecis species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) that induce leaf galls on Celtis boninensis (Cannabaceae) in Japan . Zootaxa 5230(5): 565-576.


2023.7.13 1種追加


ヌカカ科 (Ceratopogonidae)

*Allohelea iriomotensis Kanasugi, 2022

記載論文: Kanasugi, Takao. 2022. A New Species of Predaceous midge of the Genus Allohelea Kieffer, 1917 (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Iriomote Island, Southwest Japan. Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 28(2): 149–151.


Cricotopus cataractaenostocicola Tachibana, 2022

記載論文:Tachibana, Satoru. 2022. A new species, Cricotopus cataractaenostocicola, living in a cyanobacterial colony on vertical rocky substrates with trickling water film in Japan (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 5178(3): 241-255.



* Hyperlasion breviantenna Sueyoshi, Nakamura & Menzel, 2022

記載論文:Sueyoshi, Masahiro, Shoko Nakamura & Frank Menzel. 2022 A new species of Hyperlasion Schmitz (Diptera: Sciaridae), causing periodic outbreaks in Japan. Zootaxa 5168(4): 451-463.



* Phytoliriomyza igniculus Kato, sp.n.

* Phytoliriomyza tsukuyomi Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza marchantiae Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza nubatama Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza dumortierae Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza crepusculum Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza arcus Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza plagiochasmatos Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza calcicola Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza iriomotensis Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza cometiformis Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza argentifasciata Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza longifurcae Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza falcata Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza aratriformis Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza rebouliae Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza wiesnerellae Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza luna Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza izayoi Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza chichibuensis Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza caliginosa Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza ugetsu Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza nigroflava Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza brunofasciata Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza pallidofasciata Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza luteola Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza helva Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza bifasciata Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza lanternaria Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza conocephali Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza suetsugui Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza ricciae Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza sexfasciata Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza caerulescens Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza foliocerotis Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza megacerotis Kato, sp.n.

Phytoliriomyza phaeocerotis Kato, sp.n.

記載論文:Kato M, Yamamori L, Imada Y (2022) Diversity underfoot of agromyzids (Agromyzidae, Diptera) mining thalli of liverworts and hornworts. ZooKeys 1133: 1-164. 



* Ormosia komazawai Kato & Kolcsár

* Ormosia phalara Kato & Kolcsár


記載論文:Kato, Daichi, Kozo Watanabe & Levente-Péter Kolcsár. 2022. Japanese species of Ormosia Rondani (Diptera, Limoniidae): revision of the subgenera Oreophila Lackschewitz and Parormosia Alexander. ZooKeys 1132: 127–162.


* Crypteria nippon sp. nov.

* Dasymallomyia tachii sp. nov.

* Eupilaria japonica sp. nov.

* Protohelius japonicus sp. nov. 

記載論文:Kato, Daichi. 2022. Four genera of Limoniidae (Diptera) new to Japan with descriptions of new species . Zootaxa 5168(4): 401-418.



*Simulium (Simulium) tanegashimaense sp. nov.

記載論文:Hiroyuki Takaoka, Yasushi Otsuka, Yao-Te Huang, Van Lun Low, Masako Fukuda, Zubaidah Ya'cob. 2022. Descriptions of two new species of the Simulium (Simulium) striatum species-group (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Taiwan and Japan, and a revised description of S. (S.) quinquestriatum (Shiraki). Acta Tropica, 227:106293.





2022.5.2 2種追加



*Geranomyia iriomotensis Kato, sp.n.

*Geranomyia paucipuncta Kato, sp.n.

記載論文:Kato, D. 2021. Two new species of the genus Geranomyia Haliday, 1833 (Diptera: Limoniidae) from Japan, with notes on the Japanese species. Euroasian Entomological Journal. 20(4):183-195.



ヤドリバエ科 (Tachinidae)

* Blepharomyia brevicornis sp. nov.

* Cyzenis equifacialis sp. nov.

* Cyzenis tetrasetosa sp. nov. 


記載論文:Shima, Hiroshi, Tokiharu Abe & Martin Libra. 2021. Tachinid flies (Diptera: Tachinidae) reared from deciduous plant-feeding lepidopteran larvae at Hokkaido University Tomakomai Forest (Japan), with descriptions of three new species. Zootaxa 5060(2): 275-295.



タマバエ科 (Cecidomyiidae)

* Pseudasphondylia saohimea

記載論文:Matsuda, Hiroki, Ayman Elsayed, Wanggyu Kim, Satoshi Yamauchi, Martin Libra, Naoto Kamata, Junichi Yukawa & Makoto Tokuda. 2021. A new species of Pseudasphondylia (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) associated with Magnolia kobus DC. var. borealis Sarg. (Magnoliaceae) in Japan. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e68016.


*Ametrodiplosis adetos n.sp.

*Ametrodiplosis aeroradicis n.sp.

*Ametrodiplosis stellariae n.sp.

記載論文:Elsayed, Ayman K., Junichi Yukawa, Ko Mochizuki, Makoto Tokuda & Atsushi Kawakita. 2021. Three new species of Ametrodiplosis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Japan, with a key to the Japanese species and a molecular phylogenetic analysis . Zootaxa 4942(2): 151–172.



フンバエ科 (Scathophagidae)

*Acerocnema incisa sp. nov.

* Gimnomera torikurai sp. nov.

* Megaphthalmoides vittatus sp. nov

記載論文:Iwasa, Mitsuhiro. 2021. Three new species and six new records of Scathophagidae (Diptera) from Japan, with a key to the Japanese genera. Zootaxa 4981(3): 531–553.


ヒメガガンボ科 (Limoniidae)

* Eloeophila apicisetula sp. nov.

* Eloeophila canidorsalis sp. nov.

* Eloeophila enischnophallus sp. nov.

* Eloeophila hadrophallus sp. nov.

* Eloeophila tergilobellus sp. nov.


Kato, Daichi. 2021. Taxonomic study of the genus Eloeophila Rondani, 1856 of Japan (Limoniidae, Diptera). Zootaxa 4995(3): 425–451.





2021.11.14 5種追加


オビヒメガガンボ科 (Pediciidae)

*Nipponomyia okinawensis *Nipponomyia yakushimensis

記載論文:Kolcsár, Levente-Péter, Daichi Kato, Maribet Gamboa & Kozo Watanabe. 2020. Revision of Japanese species of Nipponomyia Alexander, 1924 (Diptera, Pediciidae). ZooKeys 1000: 71-105.


ガガンボダマシ科 (Trichoceridae)

*Trichocera crassicauda hakodatensis Nakamura, 2020

*Trichocera katoi Nakamura, 2020

*Trichocera nipponomontana Nakamura et Saigusa in Nakamura, 2020

記載論文:Nakamura, Takeyuki. 2020. Descriptions of Two New Species and One New Subspecies of the Subgenus Metatrichocera Dahl of the Genus Trichocera Meigen from Japan (Diptera: Trichoceridae). Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 26(2): 226–234.



ヤドリバエ科 (Tachinidae)

* Panzeria atriventris sp. nov.

Panzeria bisetosa sp. nov.

Panzeria japonica sp. nov.

Panzeria meridionalis sp. nov.

Panzeria rufitibialis sp. nov.


記載論文: Shima, H. 2020. The genus Panzeria Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Japan. Zootaxa 4816(4): 541–575.


ナミキノコバエ科 (Mycetophilidae)

* Clastobasis ainuorum sp. n. 

Clastobasis kanabo sp. n.

Clastobasis menguali sp. n.

記載論文: Kurina, O. 2020. Three new species and new records of Clastobasis Skuse (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from Japan and the Kuril Islands. Zootaxa 4810(3) 589–600.


 Mycomya supernivea sp. nov. クロモンオオマドキノコバエ


記載論文: Nakamura, T. and T. Saigusa. 2020. Description of a New Species of the Genus Mycomya Rondani, 1856 Found on Snow in Japan (Diptera: Mycetophilidae). Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 26(1): 35-39.


ヒメガガンボ科 (Limoniidae)

* Epiphragma amamiense sp. nov.


記載論文:Kato, D., T. Nakamura & T. Tachi. 2020. Taxonomic study of the genus Epiphragma of Japan (Diptera: Limoniidae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 60(2): 449-461.


タマバエ科 (Cecidomyiidae)

Massalongia nakmuratetsui sp. nov. ミズメタマバエ

記載論文: Elsayed AK, Skuhravá M, Ohta K, Yoshida S, Tokuda M (2020) Revision of the birch-associated genus Massalongia (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae), with description of a new species from Japan and a taxonomic key to worldwide species. ZooKeys 958: 1-27. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.958.54300


フンバエ科 (Scathophagidae)

Cordilura katoi sp. nov.

Cordilura shinonagai sp. nov.

Cordilura yezoana sp. nov.

記載論文: Iwasa, Mtsuhiro 2020. Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Cordilura Fallén (Diptera, Scathophagidae) from Japan, with descriptions of three new species. Zootaxa 4748 (3): 471-484


クロツヤバエ科 (Lonchaeidae)

Silba mitsuii sp. nov.

* Silba fungicola sp. nov.

記載論文: MacGowan, Iain. 2020. Two new species of Silba (Diptera; Lonchaeidae) from Japan with unusual larval development sites. Zootaxa 4755(1): 177–182.


* Silba thunbergii sp. nov.

記載論文: Arimoto, Koichi, Iain MacGowan & Zhi-Hui Su. 2020. New data on lance flies (Diptera, Lonchaeidae) associated with figs (Moraceae, Ficus spp.) in Japan and Taiwan, with descriptions of two new species of the genus Silba Macquart. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 23: 364-370.